The Duty To Share: effective 1 October 2015

by | Oct 6, 2015 | Blog

The Health and Social Care (Safety and Equality) Act 2015 introduced a new legal duty for Health and adult Social Care bodies to share information where this could facilitate the care of the individual. There is a requirement for organisations to use a consistent identifier (NHS number) for data sharing. The three big C’s in the legal! world of Data sharing STILL apply: Capacity; Confidentiality; Consent!!! ….Confused? Well basically all health care providers and commissioners including those contracted to provide services must identify the circumstances where information can be legally shared and where information that can facilitate the provision of health services and adult Social Care and is in the individual’s best interest, should be shared. As per the seventh Caldicot principle: “the duty to share information can be as important as the duty to protect the patient “. Where uncertainty prevails, seek advice!

Written by Puveshni Pillay


“My experience working with Steven has been calm and reassuring.  I have struggled to find specific requirements for API distribution from my previous consultant and the Green Guide.  I start working with Steven shortly after taking an API training course at PCL, the consultation is beyond my expectation, he helps me identify my specific set of issues quickly and advise me how I should address them to achieve compliance.  In the short time I am working with Steven gives me clarity that I hav… Read more
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