CQC – Do you need to register your pharmacy services?

by | Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, CQC

Pharmacy is exempt, I here you say, well in the past we were, but as we start to develop new services this is often not the case. If a pharmacy starts to provide services such as “Treatment of disease and disorder or injury “as defined in schedule 1 of the Health and Social Care Act -they need to register with the CQC regulator.  But surely pharmacy has always carried out a “Response to symptoms service “well yes, we have and this service is exempt, however employing directly a doctor or other healthcare professional to provide the service in your community pharmacy will if you do not register with CQC, potentially result in an unannounced CQC inspection. If pharmacies provide these services they must work to the highest standards and keep robust record which pharmacies traditionally do not do. We counter prescribe and advise on self-medication day to day but we do not keep robust records.


Having just completed the very informative API and Clinical Trail course (thank you Shankar) I was reminded of the traps we can fall into whereby we try to keep ourselves in our little boxes. At the MHRA symposium, I have heard several times comments such as:- “no, I’m not doing the GMP day as it’s not relevant to me” or “GDP? Oh, that doesn’t apply to us as we are manufacturers”. I am sure these comments were made well out of the earshot of MHRA personnel and on the face of it see… Read more
API and Clinical Trails Training