by Kimberley Peck | Mar 4, 2015 | Transportation
Have you considered how you are going to validate your supply chain to prevent the falsification of medicines? Have considered how you are going to evidence the validation? From Kali boxes to pallet reefers the market for temperature controlled shipments is vast. Not...
by Kimberley Peck | Mar 4, 2015 | Blog
Did you know the number of Mobile phones is now higher than computers? 79% of Smart phone users use their mobile to make purchasing decisions, 50 % of these will make a purchase within an hour in comparison to the average of a month on a desktop. 64% of internet...
by Kimberley Peck | Feb 17, 2015 | Good Distribution Practice - GDP, Quality Systems
The new GDP guidelines on distributing medicines which are the regulations you must adhere to as a wholesale distributor use the word RISK 27 times. As a wholesale distributor you must access all risks within your business. The easiest way to complete this task is to...
by Kimberley Peck | Feb 17, 2015 | Quality Systems
For every business the element of risk is all around you. From the warehouse operative operating a fork lift truck to the receptionist ascending the stairs to her desk. Every day we as human beings identify, assess and control risk with every action taken. From making...
by Kimberley Peck | Feb 5, 2015 | Pharmacy Automation
What is lean management? Lean management is a long term approach applied to a business systematically implementing small changes in the current processes to improve efficiency and quality and reduce the wastage. The result of which is to maximise customer value whilst...