Superintendent Pharmacists

Pharmacy Consulting Ltd (PCL) deals with a wide range of pharmacies operating different models from NHS Community Pharmacy to NHS Distance Selling Pharmacies (DSP) to pharmacies with private On-line Doctors. Additionally, we have experience in the development and...

Superintendent Pharmacist training

Are you a Superintendent Pharmacist? Have you undergone any training? Do you know what is required of you in your current role? Are you ready for an inspection by NHS England or GPhC? Could you defend yourself if your professional practice or the practices of your...

Disaster Planning

Have you prepared a disaster plan for your business? If you have when did you last review it? Over the last year we have helped some companies through different disasters. One company changed their computer software, which resulted in their parent company...

Agree to outsource.

Shipping to long distance with courier company?  Do you know what is happening to your product during the shipment? Do you know the route they using? Well known company so you trust them… Please don`t! Assure yourself by signing a Technical Agreement. If it is...