100 hour Contracts for Sale?

by | Jan 12, 2013 | Blog

** April 2014 UPDATE **

So whilst Pharmacy Consulting remains available to assist in assessing 100 hour contracts available on the marketplace, the number of available contracts are diminishing.  As time goes on and these previously exempt contracts becoming rarer, the remaining approved contracts are coming closer to their expiry.  There are not many left and in some cases there remains a good reason for this.

However, should you be negotiating a price or considering the feasibility of one of these sites, we can still help.

We can also assist on any standard contract pharmacy/internet pharmacy.

If you want to chat about your pharmacy future call us on 01252 302342.



Are you considering buying a “100 hour” contract ? If you would like help to scope out the viability and to explore some of the potential pitfalls, give Pharmacy Consulting a call (+447909836670). We have been working with pharmacists recently who decided not to go ahead and purchase the contact after Pharmacy Consulting helped them with their due diligence. A current client however is going ahead with their purchase as their business case is robust. Contact [email protected] if you would like help to scope out your options.



Just wanted to say thank you for the training last week, was education and fun, and it was great to be able to spend time with a professional auditor.
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