24/7 Complete prescription pick up on your doorstep ?

by | Oct 9, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

What  would you think if  a prescription ATM full of  complete repeat medication popped up in your GP surgery or at the post  office or in your local supermarket, would you trust it ? Would you  use it ? No more  queuing at the pharmacy  counter waiting for to be told that your prescription is not ready yet or there is an item ” To Follow!”  Because Fred the robot  has text you to tell you he has your prescriptions safely tucked up inside him and he send you the  six digit key to tap into the screen to release your prescription and if you have to pay he will tell you  how much , take your money and send you on your way!

To see how Fred works take a look at our video www.pharmacyconsulting.co.uk/videos

Tell us what  you  think ? If you would like more information, give us a call. 01252 302342 or e mail us on [email protected].


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