Are you waiting for news of a new pharmacy applications? Is it delayed?

by | Oct 31, 2016 | Blog, NHS, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Brands, pharmacy business development, Pharmacy Suppliers

NHS England has outsourced the management of pharmacy applications to several providers. This is not an easy process to outsource and NHS England has a legal responsibility to do it, and delegating it to companies like Capita without checking if they fully understand and are competent, does not negate their responsibility.  As an RP, and if this was an outsourced GDP activity the MHRA would issue a “Major deviation”.  Do NHS England have a Vendor Management Procedure and can they provide evidence to show that they follow it? Currently we have three pharmacy applications stuck in progress with no explanation. Primary Care Support England (PCSE) are thought to be working with Capita and NHS England to make improvements and hopefully we will hear from them soon, or risk being sued, by clients who are paying rent on empty premises unable to trade until their contract is issued.


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