Audit or raise a CAPA?

by | Jan 12, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers

What would you do, raise a CAPA or conduct an Audit ?

If your Contract Warehouse has a couple of deviations from storage GDP requirements in quick sucession, and you have not audited them in a whil,e would you raise a CAPA or audit them?  Pharmacy Consulting was asked this question by a client this week and they advised the client to raise a CAPA. If you are a RP and an audit  raises several deviations, when would you tell the MHRA and when wouldn’t you ? If you would like a second opinion contact Pharmacy Consulting. [email protected]



Jackie is very knowledgeable, I have learnt so much from her in so little time. Thank you Jackie for being a fountain of knowledge!
Mahmuda Kahatun superintended pharmacist