BE EXIT ready

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Blog, Brexit

The UK exited the EU on 31st of January 2020. Now you can start to prepare your business to be compliant with new UK regulations.

Must be aware of at least the following:

  • During the transition period – 31st Dec 2020 -, EU pharmaceutical law as laid out in the ‘acquis communautaire’ will be applicable to the UK;
  • According to EU law, pharmaceutical companies are required to carry out certain essential operations within the EU/EEA to market their medicines in this area. If companies currently carry out some of these essential operations for marketing medicines in the UK, they must transfer them to an EU/EEA Member State before the end of the transition period to comply with EU law and be able to continue supplying the EU/EEA market with their medicines;
  • You need to have a Responsible Person- import (RP-I) if you intend to import medicines from countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) and countries held on the MHRA maintained list;
  • Get an EORI number if you do not already have one;
  • Decide how you want to make customs declarations;

 If you need professional help please call PCL.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
Export Training