
by | Nov 25, 2020 | Blog, Brexit

Brexit is imminent !! Not many days to go but still massive uncertainty. It is important businesses look at how Brexit could affect their ability to trade and at least look at ways of mitigating these risks.

B – be ready

R – read the updates as they come in

E – Evaluate the risk of not doing anything yet, even if the contingency comes to nothing

X – xtra stock, build a sensible buffer

I – invest time and resource where it has the most benefit to your business

T – take action, don’t keep putting things off

The final thing to remember is that it is not just about what the UK government will do, it is already clear that they will be taking a pretty pragmatic approach. We also have to consider how the rest of the EU could react, what happens if they totally throw their toys out of the pram?


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