Brexit – Unforeseen consequences 2

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Blog, Brexit

I might be an old cynic but I fear that both the challenges and the opportunities presented by Brexit will lead more people to consider what I am going to call ‘more creative business practices’. To misquote a colleague’s favourite saying, “there are two things guaranteed to spur people into action…. fear and greed.”  It is absolutely right that during uncertain times that we all look at the opportunities and treats that face us and look to ways we can either take advantage of those opportunities or mitigate the risks, but we must do this in a considered way with proper planning and in full knowledge of all the facts. I am not suggesting that everyone will go off doing things they shouldn’t but in the rush to get things going or to try to make the best of a limited opportunity there is a danger that we act first & think later, particularly in the regulatory sense. I often say to clients that the regulations are very rarely an absolute barrier to business but it is vital to start the planning and evaluation stage with a thorough understanding of the rules, ignorance is no defence. At Pharmacy Consulting we have the knowledge and expertise to guide you through the maze of both domestic and overseas regulation.

It might sound a little over dramatic but it is difficult to spend those hard earned profits from a prison cell!!


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