Continuous Risk Assessment

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Blog

Assessing your risks regularly helps your business with being compliant. Don’t know where to start? What part of my business needs to be risk assessed? What if my business is at risk? What should I do? Many questions to be raised and more brainstorming to be done to mitigate or avoid risks.

Two key points to consider when risk assessing, the likelihood of happening and severity of the effect. It is not an easy task, as it is not just about writing up the two key points and its associated risks levels, also need to control, remove, mitigate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level. There are several steps in-between steps.

PCL`s 3 day Cogent accredited Good Distribution Practice – Gold standard – training course material includes Risk Management, will give you a great knowledge of how to risk assess areas, explaining them through workshops and group exercises. During Cogent training, you can learn how to manage your risk and control them to an acceptable level. Would like to book the Cogent training? Please visit our website for dates and locations and prices or call  01252 375362 or email [email protected].


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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