Controlled Drug Requisitions

by | Jan 31, 2022 | Blog, Home Office

Controlled Drug Requirments; If you are a wholesaler, licensed to sell controlled drugs, and you sell schedule 2 or 3 controlled drugs to medical or dental practices in the community, each order must be accompanied by a Controlled Drug requisition (FP10CDF in England). There are two common points of misunderstanding in relation to these forms and their use:

Applicability – the requirement for the use of the form applies equally to private and NHS practitioners and practices. Whilst the requisition process is managed by the NHS Business Services Authority, it is not an NHS scheme, the obligations apply to all prescribers/practitioners wishing to obtain schedule 2 and/or 3 controlled drugs.

Submission and Processing of the Form – under the legislation, the requisition is only legally valid when received by the wholesaler with a wet signature. The Home Office has recently confirmed that electronic signatures are not acceptable. They also state that faxed or scanned forms, even if properly signed, cannot be used to release an order. The original copy carrying the wet-signature must be received by the supplier before the supply is made.

Please do not get caught out by either of the above.


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