COVID-19 vaccination update

by | Nov 11, 2020 | Blog, Covid 19

The reality of a Covid-19 vaccination is drawing ever closer. The NHS has posted information to help GP Practices to prepare for the roll-out. Find more about this here

In a letter to GP practices, NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE&I) stated that “PCN partners in community services or community pharmacy may be able to support delivery”.

There will be challenges with this roll-out as the vaccines have to be stored at very low temperatures. This has implications on the supply of the vaccine to the pharmacy both in terms of storage and transport. Once on site, it will be necessary to administer vaccinations swiftly, so an efficient system will need to be in place to maximise throughput of patients in a safe manner.

The roll-out will be coordinated by the NHS at a local level. GPs and Pharmacies will need to collaborate to make the system work efficiently within the community.


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