Distribution of Chemicals from 1st Jan 2021

by | Nov 6, 2020 | Blog, Covid 19

The UK government issued an update on what principles will be followed after transition period ends and UK will no longer being part of European Union.

According to the latest update, UK will maintain the EU REACH’s principles and aims. These principles establish procedures for collecting and assessing information on the properties and hazards of substances. Read more about them here

Two of the principles which the REACH sets out are the following

  • No data, no market – the REACH Regulation places responsibility on industry to manage the risks from chemicals and to provide safety information on the substances.  Manufacturers and importers are required to gather information on the properties of their chemical substances, which will allow their safe handling, and to register the information in a central database in the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki
  • Last Resort – The law states that the use of animals should be a “last resort” and contains enough flexibility to allow companies to avoid the use of animals under certain circumstances. Measures to prevent different companies from performing the same test on the same chemical have kept millions of animals from being killed in duplicative testing, and some of the worst tests cannot proceed without an evaluation by the authorities first.


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