E-Cigarettes: any health benefits?

by | Apr 20, 2015 | Blog

As usage of e-cigarettes rise and they are continually being marketed as a method to aid quitting, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has issued a statement stating there is “insufficient evidence” whether the devices helped people quit or were in fact better for the use.  The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has yet to evaluate e-cigarettes as safe or effective and the push is for the marketing of such products to be better regulated.

The Department of Health is in the process of tendering for a report to be prepared on this exact matter.

So are the devices still harmful? Less harmful? or the same?

Should they be regulated? Should their marketing be regulated? Are they just playing on the fear of the public?

Sooner or later, we will see action and a decision but until then the industry and Government awaits a report evidencing the safety, quality and efficacy of e-cigarettes.


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