Export of medicines in short supply………

by | May 12, 2014 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Brands, Pharmacy Suppliers

The PSNC is no longer maintaining a list as shortages have become part of every day life in pharmacy now.

This posed a question by one of my clients: “Does this mean we can now export anything?”

No I said you must not export drugs in short supply and I refereed him to the following guidance note which can be downloaded using the following link:

Trading Medicines for Human Use: Shortages and Supply Chain Obligations (PDF File/Updated January 2013)

Both manufacturers and wholesalers licenced to trade in the UK have a legal duty to ensure that UK patient needs are met and pharmacists and dispensing doctors have ethical obligations to ensure the needs of patients are always put first.

Do you need some guidance on exporting medicines?

Do you export? Or do you have an opportunity to expert?

Let us provide the right advice – 01252 302342.



” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
Export Training