by | Aug 10, 2017 | Blog, Export Training, Training

If you Export from the UK, have you kept up with the current requirements of GDP? Do you know what the MHRA will expect of you at your next inspection? Do you do the following:

Use “EXW” Incoterms? Do you check if the products your customer has collected have been exported or not? If not, you need to. It is your responsibility as a wholesaler who exports to ensure that the products are exported and do not re-entre the EEA.

Check your “AWB” has the correct details? Are your shipments consolidated into one master airway bill? Do you ever check?

“Import for Export?” If you do you should “Introduce for Export “and make sure the “CPC” on the import paperwork matches the export paperwork, and tell the customs broker in the UK that it is a temporary import!

Do you risk assess your routes and have evidence of compliant temperature deliveries for your shipments you are responsible for?

Do you have a Quality Technical Agreement in place with your logistics providers and freight forwarders?

Have you had Export training? If not please ensure you do before your next inspection or you may find yourself facing a referral to “IAG!” Contact [email protected] for more information on Pharmacy Consulting courses.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
Export Training