Face to face training more Benefits than you might think

by | Jun 27, 2022 | Blog, Training

Hands-on learning with fact to face training

You work in different ways to others, just the same as I do. However, for me (and maybe you) it just works when I do face to face training. I find communication easier when I can ask a question and lets me build rapport with the trainer so I can go back ask further questions and advice in the future.

More interactive

I like to get down and dirty when I’ve paid for a training course……how about you?  Whether this is talking, writing on interactive white boards, group work, workshops or reflective feedback I love it. You just can’t get this online and it feels much more personal.

Fewer distractions

The last online course I did, I had my 4-year-old son burst in and introduce himself to the whole course contingency!  I love to not be distracted in a dedicated space or building away from family and work life. Unless you’re in a separate space to your colleagues at work they still come and find you, day and night, so take the stress out of training and learn faster by being away.  Eliminate the distraction and concentrate on the task in hand. You have more focus and can reduce the learning time by being on task.

Better communication

I love to ask questions when they pop into my head rather than have to write them down and forget the context in which I thought of them in the first place! Face to face is so powerful for that. Online you don’t always reiterate and go back to a point when you don’t understand as you often feel you’re taking up too much time.  But face to face you can find time in the day to do that. Get confident and accurate face to face training.

To find out more details about our upcoming face to face course please visit our Cogent page or to book your place visit our bookings page


“Excellent trainer, very informative.” Anonymous – Rating 10/10
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