Getting to the root of the problem!

by | Oct 24, 2014 | Blog

Here’s the scenario: A customer has phoned to say that they have received an incorrect product. A quick investigation has been done and it has been established that the wrong product was despatched resulting in the customer being sent the correct product. Ok, so this customer is satisfied, but what has been done to prevent the same error occurring in the future?

After all, if a tap is leaking because of a worn washer, you can only turn it off so may times before it leaks constantly and you have to repair it properly! Turning the tap off is only a containment action, identifying and fixing the washer is the root cause and corrective action.

It’s the same with errors – if you only ever go as far as the containment action, the issue will keep occurring, costing in resources, both financial and time.

So, when an error occurs spending time identifying the root cause and by putting the right corrective action in place could save you money in the long run.

Would you like more information on our training courses that cover effective complaints handling? Contact PCL on 01252 302342


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GDP/RP Training