Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Training available online

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog, GDP/RP, Training, Update Training

There’s never been a better time to learn from home and take advantage of the comfort learning which even comes with a very low price. We all know it is a very hard time for every individual and organisation, but we need to be strong and positive.  As part of your CPD, you should have Good Distribution Practice (GDP) training every year as a refresher training as the UK had many changes and new regulations in the last months/year. PCL offers online As part of your CPD, you should have Good Distribution Practice (GDP) training every year as a refresher training as the UK (GDP) course with support to be able to finish your course or if you have further discussion with any topic you would be interested in. 

We offer the course with a reduced price, so please contact us and book your online course today. [email protected] or call us on +441252 375362 Stay safe and well.


“For someone with a bare minimal knowledge of WDA this course helped understand the legal, general and business complexities quite well.”  Cogent Online Training – March 2021
Cogent - March 2021