Has your customer or patient been poached?

by | Oct 9, 2015 | Blog

If your patient has inadvertently registered with another pharmacy, having been sent a promotional leaflet by another pharmacy what can you do ?


  • Offer to assist them in undoing that (nomination for EPS can be reset on the patient’s request and you can assist with a letter to the pharmacy to ask to be removed from any reminders etc.).
  • With their permission contact their surgery to explain the situation.


If you think a pharmacy’s promotional materials are inappropriate, what can you do ?


  • Raise this with the pharmacy and ask for your complaint to be referred to the Superintendent Pharmacist
  • Raise this with NHS England (for example if the NHS branding rules are contravened)
  • Raise with the General Pharmaceutical Council (if you believe the promotional materials breach the GPhC standards)


Written by Jackie Peck


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