HMRC Customs Grant Scheme

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Blog, Brexit, MHRA

HMRC has made record funding of £50 million available to enhance its Customs Grant Scheme. From 29 July 2020, organisations can apply for funding to reimburse a number of costs associated with increasing their capacity and enhancing their ability to complete customs declarations, ahead of the new rules from January 2021.

Eligible organisations can apply for funding for recruitment, employee training and IT, in preparation for additional customs declarations. Eligible organisations include traders and customs intermediaries (such as customs brokers, fast parcel operators and freight forwarders) who make or intend to make customs declarations for their own goods or on behalf of others. Organisations which recruit, train and place apprentices into customs intermediaries or other organisations which undertake customs declarations activity are also eligible to apply.

All eligible organisations which are currently and have been based in, or with a branch in, the UK for at least a year can apply for all elements of the grant.


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