How do you choose your Contract RP?

by | Jul 7, 2016 | Blog

Beware of new websites with claims such as “ WDA application 100% “ what does this mean they have applied for one and were successful ? Or they have applied for 200 and were successful.

We have trained a few RPs and often they create a website and make claims which are not factually incorrect but they are misleading.  So we advise you to create a vendor qualification questionnaire and ask a few companies to fill it in, or ask the questions and fill it in yourself for your records. You may be asked in your MHRA inspection how you chose and checked the competence of your RP or RP service provider.

Questions you may wish to ask are as follows:

How many RPs do you have working for you? They may recommend a RP so ask them, how long they have been a RP? Ask them for their CV? Check out how many companies they have been a RP for and how many MHRA inspections they have attended with clients?

Have they ever had a critical? Or Majors in an inspection?

Remember ……

New contract RPs may have been an employed RP for ten years in a company and only been through one or two MHRA inspections and both with the same business model.

Try to find a RP who has experience of your business model, and they have a support team of RPs and quality personnel who can help if there are awkward questions or grey areas.

Pharmacy Consulting Limited now have six full time RPs who support each other and also can cover for each other while they are on holiday so the client is never without the support of a RP. Each RP has a support quality person who will also be available if required.

We have experience of many different pharmacy and wholesale business, models and we will happily provide references, CVs and bespoke RP services.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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