IG Toolkit Completion Date has passed now did you complete it?

by | Apr 8, 2016 | Blog

The deadline for the completion of the IG toolkit has passed and as contractors you should have completed the annual declaration. The next task is to prepare the annual NHS complaints report for the year – ending 31 March 2016. If you need help with the report the PSNC website will help you. The local NHS Team must be sent as soon as reasonably practicable a copy of the complaints report. In addition, the annual community pharmacy patient questionnaire (CPPQ) which allows patients to provide feedback to your community pharmacies on the services they provide should be completed for you to now collate and analyse, and decide if any action is needed. It must be sent to The local NHS Team as soon as possible.


Having just completed the very informative API and Clinical Trail course (thank you Shankar) I was reminded of the traps we can fall into whereby we try to keep ourselves in our little boxes. At the MHRA symposium, I have heard several times comments such as:- “no, I’m not doing the GMP day as it’s not relevant to me” or “GDP? Oh, that doesn’t apply to us as we are manufacturers”. I am sure these comments were made well out of the earshot of MHRA personnel and on the face of it see… Read more
API and Clinical Trails Training