Introducing our newest author on the blog!

by | Sep 16, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers

Firstly, to all the readers of this welcome to the blog and I hope you enjoy the content I will be preparing for you.  My name is Antony Boonen and I am new to Pharmacy Consulting and new to the blog.  I have relocated from Australia where I spent the last 8 years working for the premier pharmacy valuers in Australia.  My experience includes preparing business valuations for mortgagee purposes, business assessments for buyers & sellers, funding applications and feasibility/applications for new sites.  I consulted to a broad range of pharmacists across different business models as well as allied health and professional practitioners.  I have the analytical skills to identifying business issues and the consulting skills to help improve business performance.  I’m keen to hear from you no matter what area of pharmacy you are involved in!

I hope you enjoy my contributions to the blog and would welcome any suggestions as to the content you would like.  If you would like to speak to me about your pharmacy, your financial goals or even just about anything, feel free to contact me on +44 (0) 1252 302 342 or [email protected].


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