Jail time for US doctor

by | Dec 23, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

In reading industry journals and associated press we often come across a number of interesting articles relating to healthcare, pharmacy and wholesaling.  Many are simply basic news stories about foreign cases and practices.  What they do provide us with however is a perspective of the state of healthcare in in different parts of the world.

Follow this link to read about a Californian doctor trying to balance bill patients whom she had treated in an emergency room.  She now faces 5 days jail time and a fine in excess $550,000.

The article notes that hers is a rare case never seen before by the courts.  She had been trying to force her patients to pay fees after emergency acre despite insurance companies previously paying the agreed discounted rate to the doctor.  The court ruling has now brandished the practice of balance billing as illegal and has made a stance.

The article provides a perspective of emergency care that many patients in the UK are probably not aware of.  Sometimes examples like these force us to recognise the good in our own situation and sometimes they don’t.

Either way, the article makes for an interesting read and will help you raise your own awareness of the issues of healthcare in the global setting.



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