Learning Fundamentals

by | May 13, 2020 | Blog

Try the 6 Ws and the 6 Hs (W>W>H>H>W>W>H>H>W>W>H>H)

W: What do you want to learn?

W: What do you need to learn?

H: How are you going to learn it ?

H: Have you carried out a training needs analysis and benchmarked your current competence?

W: What do you need to do to meet your current needs?

W: What choices are there for you?

H: How do you like to learn?

H: Have you achieved your goal and re-assessed your competence?

W: Would you recommend your training provider or training tool to others?

W: Would you be able to train other or would you like to train other?

H: How often would you need re-training ? H: How would you carry this out?


“Nice Chap, explained everything in an easy to understand manner!” Andrew Kruinlger – Course Rating 10/10
GDP & RP Training