Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry Report made me think …..
Why does it take a group of patients and cares “CURE” under the lead
of Julie Bailey, to hold the Regulators and, The Government to account.
A plethora of health care professionals, were involved and many must
have been aware of the poor quality of care. Do you; turn a blind eye to, poor
standards in your practice?
The recent public enquiry was announce by The Rt Hon Andrew Lansley CBE MP,
as he felt it was a failure of the trust first and foremost but also a national failure
of the regulatory and supervisory system. The role of all the above is to
ensure quality, safe and effective patient care.
One previous report highlighted a “Culture of fear” which discouraged staff from
reporting concerns.
One of the enquiry’s terms of reference was
“To examine the operation of the commissioning, supervisory
and regulatory organisations and other agencies, including their monitoring
role “
One key recommendation was that all service providers, regulatory
and ancillary organisations in health care should consider the findings and
recommendations and look to their own practice.
Patients Cases were heard and reports such as
“Triage in A&E was undertaken by untrained staff”
were brought to light. How often do we have untrained staff working in
your practice, or they may be trained but they have no record of it?
What training records do you have? One of the previous report
highlighted that
“Management thinking during the period under review was
dominated by financial pressures and achieving FT status, to the detriment of
quality of care.”
Due to increasing pressure on the remuneration in pharmacy have
you, taken your focus, away from professional standards? When did we last rotate
stock or date check our stock?
How can you make it better and how do you audit, monitor and
improve your practice?
Have you completed a patient survey this year? Do you record complaints and incidents?
Do you investigate them and improve your SOPs? Look at your Pharmacy
standards, the culture in your pharmacy and, your professional practice, create a baseline and
set yourself goals to improve your standards.
If you are too busy, let Pharmacy Consulting help you.
We can help you with SOPs, Audit, and Training, preparing an
application for a warehouse licence (WL) or for a MHRA inspection of your WL?
Check out our website www.pharmacyconsulting.co.uk for more information.