New Drug Driving offense to affect packaging

by | Dec 23, 2013 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Suppliers, Regulation

Licensed medicines such as morphine, amphetamine and some benzodiazepines will need to review their packaging to comply with new laws being introduced in 2014.  A new liability offence concerning drug driving will come into effect in the summer of 2014.

The new offence will require changes to packaging for the affected drugs whereby the patient information leaflet and product labelling will need to be updated with UK specific warnings.


Variations will need to be submitted to the MHRA by February 2014 with new packaging required to be in packs by September 2014.

Will your business be affected by this? What are your thoughts on this matter? We’d love to hear from you.




Excellent content and delivery. After the GDP/RP training course I’m feeling informed and empowered to ensure compliance.
David Jacobs from The DX