Nice urges commissioners to exclude some medicines from PGDs

by | Apr 4, 2013 | Blog


As the PSNC urges pharmacies to embrace new services NICE urges commissioners

to exclude medicines from PGDs often delivered by pharmacist.Pharmacists who

use PGDs should stand up for them or they will lose out on services which we were

encouraged to deliver? Practice commissioners have been asked to consider alternatives

such as independent prescribing?

The Chief Medical Officer claims that antimicrobial resistance poses a “catastrophic threat”

to  public health  and Nice has called for a stop to “Unnecessary and inappropriate” PGDs

and their recommendations are open for consultation until April 29thand new guidelines

are expected in June. Nice has asked for medication such as antibiotics, medication for

long term conditions such as diabetes , drugs that require complex monitoring or variable

doses and black triangle medicines to  be excluded. Nice believes that PGDs are appropriate

for some medication such as EHC and contraception.The NPA has removed all antibiotics

except azithromycin for chlamydia from their PGDs after consultation with the DH.

In times when Walgreens offer inoculations for 17 different conditions including shingles

and meningitis and want to roll this service out across Boots store in the UK we are to retract

PGD services if they include antibiotics?

American pharmacists run HIV excellence centres and are involved in giving

specialist advice on medication at stages of the disease process yet a pharmacist is not to

be trusted by nice not to over prescribe an anti-biotic under a PGD? It does not make sense.


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