
Brexit Changes

Brexit Changes

When is the right time to make changes to your processes and products? – When is the right time to make changes to your processes…

CAPAs are not scary !

CAPAs are not scary !

Does the thought of having to put into place a CAPA scare you? It doesn't need to! The Cogent Gold Standard Responsible Person Training  will help you to understand how to create, review, implement and test the effectiveness of an organisation’s CAPAs. This in...



Brexit is imminent !! Not many days to go but still massive uncertainty. It is important businesses look at how Brexit could affect their ability to trade and at least look at ways of mitigating these risks. B – be ready R – read the updates as they come in E –...

COVID-19 vaccination update

The reality of a Covid-19 vaccination is drawing ever closer. The NHS has posted information to help GP Practices to prepare for the roll-out…