
Could we see more pharmacists working remotely?

It has been debated over the last three years whether a pharmacist can work remotely in crisis situations and it has arisen again considering the pressures we are facing during the Covid-19 outbreak…

Know your GDPs and your “ Vs” “Us” and “Ws”

In the past, the MHRA has told a pharmaceutical wholesaler to find a new Responsible Person when they did not know the correct definition for “GDP” in their MHRA inspection. The RP used the “ Gross Domestic Product “ definition to his peril…

Vaccines (Covid-19)

Vaccines (Covid-19)

Vaccines are critical to public health as they prevent disease and curb community transmission…


Covid-19 will become synonymous with ‘working from home’ and has caused many businesses to re-consider how they operate day to day. So given that the required technology has been around for some years, why has it taken Covid-19 to prompt this re-think…

Business Informatics

I am not a fan of business jargon, but I came across this term some years ago, not sure where. Whilst I am not even sure of the original meaning it has stuck with me as a possible name for an area of business analysis that experience would show, many organisations ignore or at least don’t do very well…

What will happen to EU Imports after the Transition Period ends?

EU goods imported into Great Britain after the Transition Period has ended will be subject to new UK Border controls which will be introduced in stages. This should give businesses affected by coronavirus a little more time to prepare. New border control post will be built and monies have been set aside to help fund the changes required and stakeholders…

Plan your export. Do not leave it to the last minute

Planning an export shipment is not as easy as it seems, nothing like sending pharmaceutical products to one end of UK to the end or to the EU. Specially that we are close to becoming a “third country”, you must be prepared on how to transport medical products out of the UK. Do not risk your wholesale license, so here are a few very important points you must consider: