Pharmaceutical Product disposal

by | Apr 17, 2020 | Blog

We all have expired products, not just as wholesalers but individuals. We buy them as we think we will need it, but some products have short expiry dates, especially cold chain products. As a wholesaler, we have to dispose of damaged or expired stock in accordance with (GDP) Good Distribution Practice – Chapter 5.6. Destruction of obsolete good. The guideline says:

“Medicinal products intended for destruction should be appropriately identified, held separately and handled in accordance with a written procedure. Destruction of medicinal products should be in accordance with national or international requirements for handling, transport and disposal of such products. Records of all destroyed medicinal products should be retained for a defined period.”

But what is the process?

  • Once expired or damaged stock is identified, remove from stock and quarantine them.
  • Inform your line manager or/and Responsible Person.
  • The packaging must be disposed of if it is part of the licenced pack. If you are unsure ask the manufacturer for further clarification if possible.

Products only can be destroyed by approved pharmaceutical waste contractor.


I am new to GDP and the trainer was very patient with my endless questions and answered them all with rounded practical answers that i can take back to my workplace and implement. Shirley Clifton – Ashford and St Peters Hospital
GDP/RP Training