Pharmacy Automation with ARX

by | Mar 30, 2012 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

I have been successfully working with ARX supporting various customers who have asked for additional support on with their first automation project,  since 2010. There are testimonials from 2 such customers on my web site.

Although ARX provide a design and installation service, working together with shop fitters, and provide staff training, a Robot is quite a complex engineered machine, in some ways like a high quality car. It therefore often take quite a long time for pharmacist owners and their staff to gain the full benefits of their automation investment. (Equivalent to competently driving the car!)

As a pharmacist and because I have been involved in so many automation installations, both in community and hospital, and also in Europe an pharmacies. I can help pharmacists new to automation, to ask themselves the right questions at the beginning of the automation project, and support and encourage them all the way through until they and their staff become fully competent machine users.

The very latest development from ARX is to offer customers a one-size version of the established V-Max robot machine called SMART. If this standard sized machine can be fitted conveniently into your pharmacy, SMART will provide a less expensive solution than ordering a “made to measure” machine. As a guide SMART can handle up to around 9000 items per month.

Customers considering investing in a standard machine like this should particularly consider availing themselves of my support service, directly, or via ARX, as the standard installation will in most cases require considerably more thought and planning than with a full-custom installation. Pharmacists buying SMART through Pharmacy Consulting Ltd will receive the PCL support service free of charge, which includes at least two site visits plus telephone/e-mail support by our consultant from the design stage through to customers becoming competent SMART users.



Jackie is very knowledgeable, I have learnt so much from her in so little time. Thank you Jackie for being a fountain of knowledge!
Mahmuda Kahatun superintended pharmacist