Protecting the supply chain

by | Oct 26, 2021 | Blog, MHRA

Protecting the supply chain – New Supplier Qualification and the new MHRA GMDP database.

Do you know that companies based in Great Britain no longer have their licenses and GMP/GDP certificates listed on the EUDRAGMDP database?

Part of a WDA holder’s responsibility when qualifying a new supplier is to carry out sufficient due diligence and bona fide checks on that supplier’s credentials. This helps with protecting the supply chain.

Even though the supplier is responsible for providing you with a copy of their appropriate license(s) these must be verified independently by the WDA holder who is carrying out the new supplier qualification.

If the new supplier is based in Great Britain, the MHRAGMDP database is now available to use instead of EUDRA:

PCL cover the supplier verification process extensively as part of the MHRA approved Cogent Gold Standard Responsible Person Training course, which is a 3 day course covering all aspects of the role of the Responsible Person. For more details click the link below:


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