Public Health – Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

by | Jan 6, 2014 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Community Pharmacy, Regulation

One area of public health that does not get too much press is children’s mental health. We have all heard and read about initiatives to help dementia sufferers and many of us have signed up to be a dementia friend. But we also need to focus on the other end of the spectrum, the more time effort and monies spent on children in the early years the more effective the intervention. Pharmacy can play an active part in helping by supporting maternal and childhood health. Focus your attention on the elderly for sure but do not lose sight of the fact that one in ten children and young people have a diagnosable mental disorder.  If we invest a little of our time supporting young mothers and their children we can hopefully help to address some of the deterioration in the mental health of our young.  Sharing of information between healthcare professionals would be a great starting point. All healthcare professionals should be on the lookout for child neglect. Ensure you have a Safeguarding SOP or policy and that your staff have read it and know how to signpost people who need help and who to contact if you are worried about a child. Children’s wellbeing is all of our responsibility and they are our future. For more information go to the Faculty of Public Health website or telephone 020 7935 0243

Useful reading is THINKING AHEAD why we need to improve children’s mental health and wellbeing published by the faculty of Public Health.


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