Public Health – Pharmacy Staff

by | Jan 6, 2014 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Brands, Regulation

The National Clinical Assessment Service back in 2009 scoped the health concerns and issues facing pharmacists. Their research  found that many pharmacists felt that their health  concerns were a direct result of their job and that on occasions ill health  had led to errors or omissions. They also found that pharmacists often did not access healthcare or take time off work due to barriers such as financial loss and long trading hours which meant the services were shut when they finished work. The highest category of health issues were mental health and minor illness. It is believed that due to the stigmatism attached to a mental health diagnosis that these figures are probably under reported. Of the pharmacists who admitted mental health issues, stress was the biggest factor then anxiety and depression were also reported. The pharmacist felt that workload, expectations, financial concerns, changing roles and responsibility all played a part.

Below are some of the quotes

“I had to resign due to inability to stand for an 11 hour day often with no break”

“ I  was pregnant at the time but  my  employers were not being helpful  expecting me to continue lifting, bending etc.- eventually  I  left  due to lack of understanding from my  boss.

“I am unable to see my GP due to my working hours “

“Stress and lack of support led to depression with suicidal ideation.”

“I lost my job after taking time off “

“I did not got to my GP as I did not want STRESS on my medical records”

Many pharmacists are in a similar position in 2014 and the situation has worsened due to lack of jobs and also dropping rates of pay and increased targets due to a tightening of remuneration.

There is help available for pharmacists and their staff and they include

You’re GP & other healthcare professionals

Pharmacy Support Freephone 0808 168 2233

Listening friends

Larger companies may have an occupational health department.

If you are in a position within your organisation to affect change to improve the health of your pharmacy staff please review and risk assess your current situation is it adequate? If not draw up an action plan and look at what you can do to make the working conditions better for your team and also what steps you can take to help alleviate the stress your team are under. Involve your team and make them feel valued, ask for their suggestions and if you cannot implement them then explain why not. Review your staff handbook and make sure the staff know where they can get support if they need it.


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