Quality Management System (QMS) for Wholesalers of medicines ( WL & WDL)

by | Aug 7, 2013 | Blog


WL and WDL holders have to  have a QMS or QRS in place by September of this year, many are finalising their SOPs as we speak .

PCL would like to offer some basic tips and hints:

Keep it simple, use as little jargon as possible , do not see the QMS  SOPs as a set of rules to be followed or broken as the  case may be.

Look upon them as a ” Risk based continual improvement” tool , a vehicle for everyone in the  organisation to be involved with  and to help manage risks and deliver the  highest  quality of both  service and product in order to keep your customers, patients and fellow workers safe.

Often organisations and their management are reactive to their shortcomings and this would be seen as corrective actions, but a true risk based quality  management system should have proactive risk assessments as an integral part of the system. Corrective actions rarely lead to sustained improvement , it  just  fixes the  problem for the moment. Sales led entrepreneurial organisation are high risk takers where quality professionals are risk averse  and this is the true dichotomy. A QMS needs everyone,  sales teams should be reminded that without sustained quality products  they will not see continual growth and quality  professionals need to  be mindful of the commercial aspects of the business and if they have  no sales they will  have no job.

The secret  is to  involve everyone, there is no ” I ” in team and everyone has a valuable point to  make. When the SOPs are reviewed formally  ask for comments and feedback it is amazing what you  might  learn. Encourage everyone to use the change management “Request a change forms” these may  be discounted at the first  hurdle, usually the department manager, however they may make it to the  quality  department they will review the request and  will issued  and log the  official change management form.

The suggested change should be risk assessed in a proactive manor and may  be piloted prior  to being rolled out across the whole business. Large changes which may impact on many other processes or procedures , may  require a ” CIP” a Change Management Plan to mitigate some of the risks identified by this process.

Hold monthly quality  review meeting and set an agenda. Discuss customer complaints and deviations and carry out your root  cause analysis and follow this through into your management reviews and the change management process.

Set a review date to  review your changes and they may require fine tuning, encourage  feedback ! Two way communication is good, it helps the QMS come alive .

Remember it is a living breathing process , it is the delegation tool for the management team and it will mitigate your risks and help you  to deliver consistent quality.

Finally with any good system it has to have the buy in of everyone to make it  effective and it  must be lead from the top




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