
by | Dec 21, 2015 | Blog

Another year comes to an end and it is customary to look back at the year and the important events.

We operate in an industry where detail is vitally important; following the rules, doing the right thing or more cynically ticking all of the boxes. Yet the pharmaceutical industry is also about innovation, creativity and most importantly about saving lives or making lives better.

However looking back on the year, anything that has happened in the industry pales into insignificance compared to the ‘real’ world where yet again the news has been dominated by war, terrorism & climate change; greed of the few and struggle of the many. It is easy to feel helpless or angry or overwhelmed by the challenges that face our global family, but this is the end of a year and we should be looking forward to a new year with a sense of promise and hope.

There was a discussion on the radio this morning that asked the question; ‘are we as a generation being irresponsible parenting a next generation to simply survive rather than thrive?’ It is certainly tempting to think that the future for our children and grandchildren will be one of struggle against the things that the human race has being doing to the planet.

Without trying to sound too worthy, you know what, as one of the commentators pointed out, there are more people who receive an education, fewer who are hungry, fewer dying from curable diseases, there is greater equality, there is more opportunity and more peace than ever before. No, the world is not perfect but we should remind ourselves what an amazing place it is to live but also that we have it in our gift and knowledge to put all of the issues right.

The pharmaceutical industry has a key part to play in all of this, whoever I believe we should go into the New Year with a determination to be fair and equitable, to focus on solutions to the biggest problems and not necessarily the most lucrative.


Very useful day with a good overview of MHRA GMP & GDP process, procedures and roles and responsibilities. Isatec on site training – Andrew King
GDP/RP Training