Register of Medical Devices

by | Dec 17, 2021 | Blog

Register of Medical Devices – Through 2021, as part of the Brexit changes, medical device manufacturers and/or their UK agents have had to register all classes of devices with the MHRA. Previously only the lowest risk, Class 1 devices had to be registered. This gives retailers and distributors a useful reference to check the authenticity of products they are offered, essentially if the product isn’t registered they should be selling it. ‘Distributors’ are increasingly being expected to perform proper checks on medical devices, as they would for medicinal products. The database can be found at the following link:-

Public Access Database for Medical Device Registration (

‘Distributors’ should also not that they should have in place procedures to ensure that any adverse events or quality issues are reported to the manufacturer and via the Yellow Card scheme.


Both Jackie and Sandeep made it really easy to understand the content – they encouraged discussion but also made sure that focus was given to areas specific to the attendees. Overall I enjoyed the course and found it far less overwhelming than I expected.
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