Relocating a pharmacy

by | Sep 2, 2011 | Blog, Community Pharmacy

** APRIL 2014 UPDATE **

In the old days not so long ago, as you can see below from the blog content, relocating used to be dependent on distance.  Now, times have changed.

The relocation rule is an exemption on the proviso of satisfying certain conditions.

Will you be provide the same services to your existing patient group?

How will the move affect the distribution of pharmacies in the area?

Whilst distance is not explicitly mentioned it does affect your competition, your patients and accessibility.

Are you considering relocating your pharmacy? Do you need help?

Pharmacy Consulting can be contacted on 01252 302 342.

** END **

Through pharmacy contract application experiences, it has become clear that any application to move an existing pharmacy more than 500m under the minor relocation procedures is still sometimes possible IF there is both a good case for the relocation and IF the case made to the PCT for the move is very well argued and presented.

Assuming the proposed new pharmacy location is in the same neighbourhood as the old one and also assuming that the accessibility of the new pharmacy site for local patients is not worse than that of the existing site, these factors can weigh significantly in favour of minor relocation approval.

When considering making an application to move a pharmacy, particularly if a move of premises of over 500m is envisaged , expert help and advice should be sought in order to present a persuasive case to the relevant PCT to maximise the chance of gaining their approval.


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