Responsible Person for Wholesaling – MHRA

by | May 11, 2014 | Behind the scenes, Blog, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Brands, Pharmacy Suppliers, Regulation

If you’re applying for a new Wholesale Distribution Authorisation – WDA(H) – you will need to have a Responsible Person or RP registered to the Authorisation.  This person needs to be approved and registered by the MHRA.

As a new wholesaler you can choose to nominate yourself as the RP however you will need to demonstrate suitable experience and you will be required t have undertaken RP or GDP training.  Pharmacy Consulting can help you here by offering our training – RP & GDP Training – which is a 1 day session we run on a monthly basis in all different areas of the country.  We can also assess your suitability for the role and coach you to be your own RP.

Should you wish to contract an RP to be on your authorisation, Pharmacy Consulting have a number of Contract RPs available to do so.  We can prepare a proposal for our services which can be expanded to not just being on the authorisation to include preparing the Quality System, auditing suppliers, developing your warehouse … mostly though, we ensure you are compliant and inspection ready! This service is also offered to those already possessing a WDA(H).

Do you wish to find out more? Would you like to speak to an RP?

Call us on 01252 302342 to find out more.



” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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