Richard Bradley has left Boots

by | Apr 29, 2021 | Blog

Richard Bradley leaves Boots after twenty three years to spend more time with his family and to take up various board directorships. During his time with Boots Richard has held many senior positions and more recently had overseen the multiple’s future strategies for healthcare and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic and role in the vaccination programme. He launched the Boots app for repeat prescriptions. and the installation of “express” pick up lanes in 600 of Boots’ largest branches. He has appeared on television and as defended Boots on a BBC Inside Out documentary on pharmacists under pressure, which focused attention on three cases where patients had died as a result of medication errors. Boots have not announced his successor as yet.


“Well prepared and delivered presentations which were insightful, interesting and helpful to any new RP.”  – January 2021
Cogent - January 2021