RP – Responsible Person relating to MHRA

GDP – Good Distribution Practice – the guidelines by which medicine wholesalers must adhere to

WDA(H) – Wholesale Distribution Authorisation for Human Use – previously Wholesale Dealer’s License

Should you possess a WDL or WDA then it is now a requirement that key staff members involved in licensable activities are trained in GDP.   After attending a number of MHRA inspections since the new guidelines, it is commonplace for the inspector to ask to see an organogram, job descriptions for the wholesale staff members and their corresponding training records.

Pharmacy Consulting run a 1 day Responsible Person and Good Distribution Practice training session suitable for all wholesale staff.  It explains the roles and responsibilites of the RP and the GDP guidelines by which wholesalers must adhere to.  The training sessions are completing on a monthly basis in all areas of the country and a bespoke program can be created on request.

Are your training records up to date?

Could your staff benefit from this training?

Contact us -01252 302342- to discuss your training requirements.


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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