
by | Mar 24, 2015 | Blog

In the next few lines I am probably going to show myself up as a bit of a chicken, and certainly demonstrate a dubious taste in ‘music’. I have been reminded over the last couple of days of a ‘song’ (if you have heard it you will know why I have written it as ‘song’) by Baz Luhrmann called Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen). In it he dispenses numerous pearls of wisdom, all of which to me make ultimate sense but are often difficult to follow. He talks about life, love and a lot about self, the line that has come to mind over the last few days is this one……


“Do one thing every day that scares you”


Most of us live in a safe and relatively cosy environment and the opportunities to scare ourselves are limited, but the fundamental truth is that we are designed to face regular threats. Our physiology and instincts are there to help us deal with such situations and like other parts of our body we really do need to exercise these to keep us in top condition. Now I am not suggesting that we should all go off and do a bungee jump or do the Pamplona Bull Run, but I am sure there are things we could do each day that we either put off or simply avoid completely. I have done several things over the last couple of months that terrified me but the sense of satisfaction and personal growth from each has convinced me of the truth of this line.


Anyway, must go and ring the mother in law……………….


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