Social media, join PCL … And how do I promote my own business?

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Blog, Social Media

Social media can be exhilarating when a flood of new customers come knocking on your door due to posts they have seen on various platforms. Social media can be both and a blessing and curse but used well and in timely situations, it can do wonders for your business.  For example, by posting on our Pharmacy Consulting Ltd page information on upcoming courses regularly we have elevated our readership and become a targeted page for the platform itself. 

PCL posts weekly on our social media platforms in order to inform our customers and potential customers what our course agendas are looking like for the month to come.  We also try to link informative articles and blogs written by our colleagues to keep you up to date.  This is a vital part of any business in 2022.

Social media is a great way for PCL to gain new customers and also to announce information we receive from governing bodies as it is released. 

Blogs are a great way for any company including pharmacies, pharmaceutical wholesalers and indeed pharma companies in general to express themselves and to talk to their customers. We try to be broad in the topics we choose and informative in the way we present it.

Writing blogs is a great way to present information without overloading social media posts as one can link their information to a simple daily post. 

Linked In is particularly useful to any company as this platform allows job titles to be linked via a working network rather than on a social level.   Linked In allows companies like PCL to get to the heart of the community in which we work, share information and learn about others. Facebook & Instagram have a more social feel so can be more challenging to speak to people on a business level through, while Twitter is a channel that although restrictive on word count limits per post, makes your message become concise and targeted.  We use all 4 platforms at PCL to connect with our customers.

Blog writing has a few skills but be competent in your content, honest and don’t plagiarise.  Once your blog is written here is a short guide that may help you to promote your blog on social media for your pharmaceutical/healthcare company:

  1. Make your content intriguing & useful even shocking
  2. Integrate your blog onto Social Media
  3. Share your blog link across all your social media networks and link to people
  4. Create relationships with other people who do the same – Bloggers
  5. Socially bookmark the blog post
  6. Join Social Communities relative to your industry
  7. Comment on posts that are relevant and like people’s content
  8. Share related content, don’t be frightened to repost information
  9. Use Images, doesn’t always have to be related to your industry but pull out a point on your topic and link to that.
  10. Use hashtags to link your post and blog to other pages
  11. Direct message people to create a good rapport

You can follow PCL on social media using the following links, please join us:

Linked in:





Jackie is very knowledgeable, I have learnt so much from her in so little time. Thank you Jackie for being a fountain of knowledge!
Mahmuda Kahatun superintended pharmacist