If you are going to publish any marketing materials or indeed marketing blogs, on your company website, in addition to the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tricks, think about SPAM. Your headline should be about the consumer to engage them and then lead into your tagline.

Pharmacy Consulting can help you define your Taglines. They should be short and easy to remember, they sum up the idea behind the product or services and the value it brings.

What is your call to action? What do you want the consumer to do?

  1. Visit your website?
  2. Call your free phone no?
  3. Buy your product?
  4. Sign up to your repeat prescription services?

Google handwrite has also made mobile search much easier by enabling a user to write anywhere on their touch screen phone to search and negates “Hunt-and-peck” this is another reason to have good taglines.

Your visuals should help to convey the message and also compel an action. It should show what the product looks like, or illustrate what it does.

Try to illustrate any USPs unique selling points, TELL A GOOD  STORY and walk to walk make it real and if you have tried your product tell your story or find someone who has and ask them for a testimonial, word of mouth is a powerful tool.

Point your entire advert to the USP…


Sandeep has a great knowledge of the subject “A good course”. Thanks. 24/04/2019 – Guy Spires from PRS distribution
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