“Special Measures “- The NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA) – Monitor-CQC

by | May 10, 2014 | Blog, Community Pharmacy, Regulation

What are special measures and how do NHS TDA Monitor and CQC work together?

What will happen when NHS TDA and Monitor place a trust in “Special measures”?

CQC, through their chief inspector may recommend that a Trust is placed in special measures if they have evidence to demonstrate that the Trusts Management is not capable of affecting changes required to improve the quality service, safety of their patients and required care of their patients.

Monitor and NHS TDA will review the evidence and have the final say.

Once placed in special measure the Trust and their Management can expect the support listed in the following document:

“Delivering for Patients: the 2014/15 Accountability Framework for NHS trust boards’.

NHS TDA & Monitor will:

  • Appoint an improvement director & a partner organisation to aid the Trust
  • Review the capability of the trust’s leadership.
  • Require trusts in special measures to publish their progress against action plans every month on the NHS Choices and their own website, and to participate as required in national and local press conferences.

CQC will constantly monitor progress and will re-inspect within 12 months and will take evidence from many sources to demonstrate improvements and also help them to decide if the Trust has to remain in “Special measures “ or not? They will also be looking for evidence that the changes made have been effective.

Once NHS TDA and Monitor decide to cease the “Special measures “they will communicate a decision to the NHS trust or foundation trust and then communicate it formally and publicly in a press release, on the NHS TDA or Monitor websites and on the NHS Choices website.

Do you think this approach would work for failing wholesalers to help them gain GDP compliance after a bad inspection, or a pharmacy after a bad GPhC inspection?

Are you worried about your next CQC, GPhC or MHRA inspection?
Have you carried out all the actions from your last self-inspection? Have you carried out any self-inspections?

Remember that if you have a carried out your self-inspections and have identified your non-conformities and have an action plan in place to rectify them, this will stand you in good stead with your regulator. Make sure you record everything, evidence even the slightest progress.

If you require a pre-inspection audit or an external audit to benchmark your standards against your piers contact Dawn at Pharmacy Consulting Limited on [email protected]



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