Superintendent Pharmacist training

by | Apr 6, 2016 | Blog

Are you a Superintendent Pharmacist? Have you undergone any training? Do you know what is required of you in your current role? Are you ready for an inspection by NHS England or GPhC? Could you defend yourself if your professional practice or the practices of your staff were challenged by a regulator?  Is your CPD up to date? Is it relevant to your current role? If you would like to attend training to help you with your role or you would like your current quality system  and pharmacy practices audited then contact  [email protected]. This last year we have audited pharmacies to prepare them for inspections, to help them with defence in a fitness to practice investigation or to help them protect their contract when it is under threat of redaction by NHS England. Do not be complacent and make sure you are carrying out your duties as a Superintendent, you owe it to your team your customers and your patients.

Written by Jackie Peck


” There was a lot to take in, the course was very detailed” John Sie Han Woag – Course Rating 9/10
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